Dr. Miguel González- Candial

The Dr. González-Candial is one of the few specialists in oculoplastic surgery who has the highest accreditation from the Sociedad Americana de Cirugía Plástica Oculofacial, ASOPRS

Dr. Gonzalez-Candial graduated in medicine and surgery from the “Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona” and completed his ophthalmic surgical training at the UK.

He became a Fellow in Orbital and Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2000.

In 2001, he returned to Spain and was appointed orbital and oculoplastic surgeon at the Instituto de Microcirugia Ocular (IMO) and at the Hospital General de Catalunya, in Barcelona.

He is an active member of The European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, Pan-American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Member of editorial board of Orbit (European Journal of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive surgery). He gives lectures and conferences as invited speaker at medical institutions and congresses worldwide, and has contributed in textbooks and published medical papers in the leading journals of the specialty.

He trains fellows in orbital and ophthalmic plastic and cosmetic surgery since 2002.

He has an academic private practice specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive orbito-facial surgery and tumors.

Research interests include eyelid reconstruction, lacrimal surgery, thyroid orbitopathy and small-incision aesthetic orbitofacial rejuvenation.

Affiliations and Achievements

Member of the ESOPRS (European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). Full Member. (By merits)

  • Member of the ASOPRS (American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery). (By merits, currently a member of the International Committee).
  • Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Member of the Pan American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Jules Stein Eye Institute Ophthalmological Society. UCLA Member.
  • Spanish Society of Ophthalmology. SEO
  • Spanish Society of Ocular and Orbital Plastic Surgery. SECPOO
  • International Society of Orbital Diseases. ISOD Fellow. (By merits)
  • Gold medal from the Egyptian Society of Ophthalmology.


  • Lagophthalmos in enopththalmic eyes
    Chee-Chew Yip, Miguel González-Candial, Atul Jain, Robert Goldberg and McCann John.
    BJO. Bristish Journal of Ophthalmology. 2005 Jun; 89 (6):676-8.
  • Indicaciones actuales de la cirugía oculoplástica
    Ayala, E., González-Candial, M, Medel, R.
    Archivos sociedad canaria de oftalmología. Nº 15. 2004.
  • Corrección de la ptosis palpebral mediante conjuntivo-müllerectomia
    Ayala, E., González-Candial, M, Medel, R.
    Archivos sociedad canaria de oftalmología. Nº 16. 2005.
  • Colgajo de periostio orbitario para fijación ocular en estrabismo severo
    Manuel Romera Becerro, Alicia Galán Terraza, Ramón Medel Giménez, Miguel González Candial, Josep Visa Nasarre, Tirso Alonso.
    Acta Estrabológica 2006. Nº2 Mayo-Agosto
  • Dacriocistorrinostomía; ¿Externa, Endonasal o Endocanalicular?
    Ayala Barroso E, Medel Jiménez R, González-Candial M.
    Archivos de la Sociedad Canaria de Oftalmología. Nº 17. 2006.
  • Frontalis muscle flap advancement with a pulley in the levator aponeurosis in patients with complete ptosis and deep-set eyes
    Medel R, Alonso T, Giralt J, Torres J, González-Candial M, García-Arumí J.
    Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2006 Nov-Dec; 22(6): 441-4.
    (Journal of American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
  • Comparison between motility of biointegratable and silicone orbital implants
    González-Candial M, Umana MA, Gálvez C, Medel R, Ayala E.
    American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2007 Apr;143(4):711-2.
  • Predictability of conjunctival-mullerectomy for blepharoptosis repair
    Ayala E, Galvez C, Gonzalez-Candial M, Medel R.
    Orbit. 2007 Dec; 26 (4):217-21.
    (Journal of European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
  • Enucleation, Evisceration and Orbital implants
    Miguel Gonzalez-Candial ., Aaron Savar
    Chapter 22,
    Ophthalmic Oncology Textbook. Editor Bita Esmaeli M.D.
    M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.
    Ed. Springer.
  • Oncologia Clinica Oftalmica
    Co-editor version en Castellano,
    Editor Arun Singh ( Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, U.S.A.),
    Ed. Elsevier.
  • Permanent Blindness after endoscopic sinus surgery
    Vasquez L.M, González-Candial M.
    ORBIT. Journal of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Hyaluronic Acid treatment for upper eyelid retaction after glaucoma filtering surgery
    Vasquez L,M. González-Candial M,.
    ORBIT. 2011 Mar. Journal of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Topical Antiglaucoma treatment with prostaglandin analogues may precipitate meibomian gland disease
    Cunniffe MG, Medel Jimenez R, Gonzalez-Candial M.
    Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. OPRS 2011 Sept- Oct
  • Bilateral Self-Inflicted Infectious Dacryoadenitis
    Latasiewicz, M. Chang, M. Alonso, C. Farias, F. Leszczynska, A. González-Candial, M.
    ORBIT. Journal of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Sept. 2014.


BARCELONA tel. (+34) 93 519 48 45
GIRONA tel. (+34) 972 111 385
ANDORRA tel. (+376) 808 040

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