Refractive Errors


What Is Amblyopia?

Amblyopia is known to be the medical term for a lazy eye which is a disorder associated with vision development. Having a lazy eye means the normal visual acuity is not achieved even with the help of eyeglasses or contact lenses. The occurrences of having lazy eyes are in the...
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father and child reading with eyeglasses

Can I Inherit Bad Eyesight?

Poor eyesight varies from person to person because they have different definitions. Some people define poor eyesight as anything below the average vision which is 20/20, while for some they say it is anything that requires you to have prescription glasses. There are a lot of factors that contribute to...
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do i need to use reading glasses for presbyopia

Do I Need to Use Reading Glasses for Presbyopia?

Signs of aging come with no warning such as when you get a new grey hair, or an unfamiliar fine line in the corner of your eye appears, or you squint whenever you read a morning newspaper. Presbyopia is a common eye condition that refers to farsightedness that is caused...
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Is Perfect Vision Possible

20/20 Visual Acuity | Is Perfect Vision Possible?

If you were told by your doctor that you have 20/20 vision after an eye exam, does this mean your eyesight is perfect? Is it probable to have a better vision than 20/20 vision? But, what is “perfect vision” anyway? Let us take a closer look at terminologies related to...
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A Complete Guide to Astigmatism: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Astigmatism is not a disease. It is only a type of vision condition or a refractive error. It causes blurry and distorted vision which commonly occurs in the global population. The normal human eye contains only one curve with an egg-shaped surface and astigmatism occurs when the cornea has mismatched...
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What is Myopia_ Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What is Myopia? Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Myopia is an eye condition that makes it difficult to focus on objects that are far away from you. It is more commonly known as nearsightedness. Almost 25% of the global population suffers from myopia. It is an epidemic that we have not seen coming. Here are all the important...
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What is Contrast Sensitivity Testing

What is Contrast Sensitivity Testing?

A contrast sensitivity testing is done to measure the ability of your eyes to differentiate finer increments of light against darkness, or what we call contrast. This is not part of a routine eye exam for visual acuity which is for measuring how well you can recognize small letters on...
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presbyopia eye news

Choosing Presbyopia Treatment At 40 Years Of Age

Here You Can Find: Reading Glasses Contact Lenses Photorefractive Keratectomy Monovision LASIK PresbyLASIK Conductive Keratoplasty Refractive Lens Exchange Corneal Inlays Presbyopia is an age-related condition that causes blurred near vision. It typically starts at around age 40 and affects everyone, even those who have never had vision problems. It may...
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Hyperopia: What is Farsightedness?

Hyperopia is commonly known as farsightedness. It means that things that are far away are clearly seen while things up close are blurry. Hyperopia tends to be less common than myopia, which is nearsightedness. According to the National Eye Institute, 5 to 10 percent of Americans have hyperopia. Hyperopia Explained...
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Refractive Errors (Vision Problems)

Refractive Errors (Vision Problems)

Refractive errors such as blurred vision and difficulty focusing are optical imperfections that inhibit the eye from seeing properly. The predominant refractive errors are myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Refractive errors are normally corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses. For a permanent solution, refractive surgeries or LASIK can...
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Why Are Lights Blurry if You Have Astigmatism

Why Are Lights Blurry if You Have Astigmatism?

Individuals who have a healthy eye do not know the struggle when they are suffering from astigmatism. There are a lot of vision conditions that result in blurry vision. Astigmatism is a vision condition where it makes lights blurry. Having this condition makes it hard for people to perform their...
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