What Are the Rare Eye Conditions That an Ophthalmologist Can Treat?

Eye conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, cataracts, and macular degeneration are known to be the common conditions that an ophthalmologist treats. Not all know that ophthalmologists are qualified to treat rare eye conditions as well.

A disease is called to be rare if it only affects fewer than 200,000 people. There are rare eye conditions that do not have any treatment or cure. With the help of innovative research, ophthalmologists can discover treatments for some eye diseases.

These are the rare diseases that an ophthalmologist can treat:

In Charles Bonnet syndrome, people experience hallucinations because of severe vision loss. There is no cure or treatment for this but modifying the environment by going to a dark room from light can help. It affects 500 in 100,000 patients with vision problems.

Hemolaria is known to be bloody tears that are caused by a conjunctival injury or an object that is trapped under the eyelid. It is important to know the exact cause to determine the best treatment.

what are the rare eye conditions that an ophthalmologist can treat

What Are the Eye Conditions That Can Be Passed Down the Family Tree?

Retinitis pigmentosa starts with difficulty in night vision and peripheral vision. The rods and cones in the retina die which makes the color vision fade. There is no cure but low vision tools and devices can help. It affects 25 people in 100,000.

Usher syndrome affects your vision, hearing, and balance which means retinitis pigmentosa belongs as part of this condition. Genetic therapies contribute to treating inherited eye disease. It can affect 7 in 100,000 people.

Stargardt disease or juvenile macular degeneration is undetected until adulthood where they develop a blurry or distorted vision. With the help of research, gene therapies and stem cell therapies are being produced to help people with this condition. It can affect 12 out of 100,000 people.

Retinoblastoma is common in children who are younger than 5 years old. To preserve the sight and life of the child, early detection and treatment is a must. Chemotherapy, laser therapy, cold therapy (cryotherapy), and surgery are the treatments for retinoblastoma.

what are the rare eye conditions that an ophthalmologist can treat

What Are the Eye Conditions That Can Be Detected at Birth?

Anophthalmia is where an infant is born without an eye while microphthalmia is with very small eyes.

Coloboma is where gaps of tissue are present in the eyelid, lens, or another part of the eye.

Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome gives different types of eye problems because it affects the development of the eye.

Polycoria is where there are two or more pupils in one eye.

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