Trichiasis is a common problem with eyelids. Eyelashes curl inwards toward the pupil of the eye. The cornea, conjunctiva, and inner surface of the eyelids are all rubbed by the lashes. The eye is irritated as a result of this.
What Causes It?
There is no known cause for trichiasis. Trichiasis can affect anyone. Adults are more likely to experience it. Trichiasis may be caused by a variety of factors, including:
● Traumatization
● Autoimmune diseases
● Infection of the eyes
● Swollen eyelids
Trichiasis is more likely to occur if you have the following conditions:
● Epiblepharon. This is a congenital condition. A fold forms around the eye due to loose skin. The lashes would become vertical as a result of this. This is most common in Asian-American children.
● Herpes zoster eye disease
● Trauma to the eye, such as sunburns
● Chronic blepharitis. This is a common and persistent ailment. The eyelids swell and get puffy. The lid margin at the base of the eyelashes is coated with oily particles and bacteria.
● Trachoma. This is a serious eye infection that is common in developing countries.
Symptoms of Trichiasis
Some signs and symptoms include:
● tearing
● redness
● bright light sensitivity
Long-term rubbing of the eyelashes against the cornea can result in a corneal abrasion or even a corneal ulcer.
What Is the Treatment for Trichiasis?
Trichiasis can be treated by removing the eyelash, follicle, or both or by rerouting the development of the eyelash.
Only a few eyelashes are affected by trichiasis in some cases. Your ophthalmologist can use forceps to extract them (tweezers). However, it is still possible that the eyelashes would grow back in the wrong direction.
If you have a lot of lashes rising toward your eye, surgery will help you get rid of them for good. Radiofrequency or lasers may be used in ablation surgery to remove the lashes and hair follicles permanently. This is an outpatient procedure and is relatively painless. Before the outpatient operation, the ophthalmologist will numb your eye.
The following are some other surgical options:
Electrolysis. This method permanently removes hair by using electricity. Electrolysis, while successful, is time-consuming and painful.
Cryosurgery. By freezing, the lashes and follicles are removed. Cryosurgery is safe and reliable, but it can cause complications.
Surgery to reposition the eyelashes may also be recommended by your ophthalmologist. If your trichiasis is caused by epiblepharon, this may be the best solution.