While protecting yourself against coronavirus, it could be a challenge for those who wear eyeglasses to see clearly. Why? Because fog keeps building up around the eyeglasses while wearing a face mask.
During these days, wearing a face mask is a must. However, it could be a nuisance to constantly remove eyeglasses-induced fog. Let us begin with the reason behind the fog on your eyeglasses.
Why Do I Get Fog on My Eyeglasses?
The reason behind your foggy eyeglasses is trapped body heat and airflow. Our breath is naturally warm. The warm air that you exhale sneaks up on the opening of your mask upward and steams up the lenses of your eyeglasses. This makes it difficult to see clearly.
This phenomenon is also called the “misting” of lenses or the “annoying phenomenon”. When the warm water vapor coming from your breath meets the cooler lenses of your eyeglasses, it produces tiny droplets. These scatter light and make it hard for the lenses to transmit contrast, making it hard to see. “The droplets form because of the inherent surface tension between the water molecules,” the scientists explain.
How to Avoid Foggy Eyeglasses
We have compiled some tips to help you stop your eyeglasses from fogging up while wearing a face mask. So, What can you do about your fogged-up glasses?
1. Adjust your mask
The first thing you want to do is to make sure that your mask fits you well. A loose mask directs your breath towards your eyeglasses more. However, a perfect fit mask shoots the air on the bottom or on the sides of your mask. This prevents steam from coming up to your lenses.
Choose the right sizes of masks that have moldable pieces around the nose to make sure they fit on you better. Metal strips, paper clips, or twist ties can help masks conform better on your nose to prevent air steaming up especially on cloth or handmade masks. pipe cleaner, twist tie, or folded piece of aluminum foil.
You can seal your mask with double-sided tape across the bridge of your nose. Believe it or not, this is a common trick used by doctors nowadays.
2. Use soap and water to wash the lenses
A recent study found out that washing eyeglasses with soapy water remove excess moisture which then prevents fogging up while wearing masks. As the lenses dry after washing them with soap, it leaves a thin film that reduces the “inherent surface tension” and shoves the water molecules to form a transparent layer.
However, be careful in washing your eyeglasses. Do not clean them with products like toothpaste, shaving cream, or baby shampoo. When drying them, use only microfiber cloth or just let it dry with air. If you think washing your lenses is a hassle, you can give de-fogging products a try.
There are various anti-fogging sprays, gels, and waxes that can be found on drug stores nearby. However, not all brands are the same. You might have to look for the best product that suits your preferences well. Just remember to avoid potent products that may damage your prescription lenses.
3. Use anti-fog eyeglasses
Lastly, you may want to try out other eyewear brands. Before disposing of your old eyeglasses, try to adjust it first. The problem with foggy lenses could be stemming from a misfit in your eyewear. Try to tweak the nose pads of your eyeglasses or simply move it a little farther from your face. This will help avoid trapping the warm air between your face and your lenses.
However, the downside to this is changing the position of your eyeglasses may alter your vision especially for those wearing progressive or strong lenses prescription. If you think adjusting can no longer help fix the issue, you might consider glasses with anti-fogging coating or try using contact lenses.