RGP Lenses a Type of Contact Lens

There are different types of contact lens because of the materials used for them. One example would be gas permeable contact lenses, also called GP lenses, it is made of durable plastics which makes it an oxygen-permeable lens because it allows oxygen to pass through.

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is the type of plastic used to make hard contact lenses before 1971. It is lightweight but it does not allow oxygen and other gases to pass through. The cornea needs a supply of oxygen to maintain moisture and stay healthy.

RGP Lenses

Outstanding Feature of Gas Permeable Lenses

Silicone is the material used for most gas permeable lenses which makes it more flexible than hard contacts. You do not need to blink until you tear because oxygen can pass directly through the lens. After all, it is silicone.

The edges of GP lenses are fitted to the surface of the eye which makes it comfortable and more secure to use when performing physical activities.

Better vision and durability can be found in RGP lenses that makes its price worth it for long term use than the duration of soft lenses.

Advantages of RGP Lenses

  • They are made from plastic material that is firm which allows them to retain the shape every time you blink.
  • GP lenses provide sharper vision and are extremely durable.
  • They do not contain organic materials unlike soft contact lenses do.
  • They can last for a long time if you do not have a prescription change in lens.

Gas permeable contacts are best for the following individuals:

  • People who are willing to undergo an adaptation period of contact lens to get the sharpest vision
  • People with astigmatism because not all soft contacts produce an excellent visual acuity
  • People with presbyopia because gas permeable lenses have bifocal and multifocal designs which provide a great combination of near and distance acuity
  • People who went through refractive surgery and needs contact lens afterward

RGP Lenses

Adapting to Wearing Gas Permeable Lenses

GP lenses are not the same as soft contact lenses where you get comfortable after wearing it a week and not wearing it in the following days. It will take some time to be comfortable if GP lenses are not used regularly.

The size of GP lenses is smaller than soft lenses which increases the risk of lenses dislodging from the eye when playing sports.

The design of gas permeable lenses allows it to move on the eye when blinking occurs, making you at risk by acquiring debris under lenses.

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